Christian Living

Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith

Are your children facing criticism of Christianity while they’re at school, with friends, or online? Perhaps they’ve already expressed some doubts about God. Crain responds to 40 challenging questions that kids face today. Learn how to replace their doubts with confidence, encourage open dialogue, and equip them to defend their faith.

Knowing Grace: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness

There are many fine written works describing the need, purpose, and methods of spiritual disciplines. Knowing Grace complements these by fostering and deepening the reader’s engagement with God through various means of grace. By using this terminology, “means of grace” a rightful emphasis is placed on God’s initiation, invitation, and empowering to engage with Him in ways that foster a greater sensitivity to His movements, stirrings, nudges and voice.

Knowledge for the Love of God: Why Your Heart Needs Your Mind

Knowledge for the Love of God is for followers of Jesus needing to better understand the crucial connection between faith and rationality. Timothy Pickavance shows how learning about who God is and what he has done, is doing, and will do draws us closer to him—just as in any relationship. With stories from his own experiences wrestling with this aspect of faith, Pickavance relates a compelling vision of how cultivating the intellect strengthens our Christian worldview, helps us gain freedom in Christ, and enables us to love God with our whole being. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this a book to be fruitfully shared among fellow believers desiring a deeper faith—one of heart, soul, strength, and mind.

Love Kindness: Discover the Power of a Forgotten Christian Virtue

Dr. Barry Corey, president of Biola University, believes we tend to devalue the importance of kindness, opting instead for caustic expressions of certainty that push people away. We forget that the essence of what God requires of us is to “love kindness.” In this book, filled with stories from his travels around the globe, Barry shows us the forgotten way of kindness. It is a life that calls us to put ourselves at risk. A life that calls us to hope. A life of a firm center and soft edges. It is the life Christ invites us to follow, no matter what the cost.

Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul, Revised and Updated

J.P. Moreland is concerned for the evangelical community. He feels that it is currently being held captive by a thoroughly modern understanding of Christianity which has diminished our ability to positively affect change in our culture. In other words, we are no longer salty, and cannot (do not) function as the salt of the earth. What does Jesus say about salt that has lost its flavor? It is good for nothing and must be thrown out (actually, Jesus, in his ever mild manner, says to throw it out and trample it underfoot). This revised edition includes expanded appendices and three new chapters that outline how to argue for the reality of God and the historicity of Jesus’ life teachings, death, and resurrection.

Mama Bear Apologetics™: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies

Mama Bear Apologetics is the book you’ve been looking for. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through transparent life stories and clear, practical applications – including prayer strategies – this band of Mama Bears offers you tools to train yourself, so you can turn around and train your kids.

Mind Your Faith: A Student’s Guide to Thinking & Living Well

In Mind Your Faith: A Student’s Guide to Thinking and Living Well David Horner restores sanity to the collegiate experience with this guide to thinking and flourishing as a Christian. Carefully exploring how ideas work, he gives you essential tools for thinking contextually, thinking logically and thinking worldviewishly. Here Horner meets you where faith and reason intersect and explores how to handle doubts, with an eye toward not just thinking clearly but also living faithfully. This is the book every college freshman needs to read. Don’t leave home without it.

Neither Complementarian nor Egalitarian: A Kingdom Corrective to the Evangelical Gender Debate

Regarding gender relations, the evangelical world is divided between complementarians and egalitarians. While both perspectives have much to contribute, the discussion has reached a stalemate. Michelle Lee-Barnewall critiques both sides of the debate, challenging the standard premises and arguments and offering new insight into a perennially divisive issue in the church. She brings fresh biblical exegesis to bear on our cultural situation, presenting an alternative way to move the discussion forward based on a corporate perspective and on kingdom values. The book includes a foreword by Craig L. Blomberg and an afterword by Lynn H. Cohick.

Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality: Perspectives from the World’s Religious Traditions

Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality: Perspectives from the World’s Religious Traditions provides a forum for prominent religious scholars to examine the state of religious knowledge and theological reflection on spiritual development in childhood and adolescence. Featuring essays from thinkers representing the world’s major religious traditions, the book introduces new voices, challenges assumptions, raises new questions, and broadens the base of knowledge and investment in this important domain of life. It specifically and intentionally focuses on theological and philosophical perspectives from within religious traditions, creating space for the religious traditions to find their voices.

Overcoming: Encountering Jesus in the Gospel of John and Today

How can we overcome our pain, wounds and struggles in order to find hope, joy, peace and purpose? This book contains engaging, relevant, authentic stories about people who have overcome anger, eating disorders, unforgiveness, shame, bitterness, sexual sin, low self-esteem, divorce, alcohol and drug addiction, abuse, physical disabilities, and consuming guilt through healing prayer. These powerful, engaging prayer encounters will serve as a guide to show us how we can also overcome our hurts, habits and hang-ups.

Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right

Parents Rising provides real help for the real problems that parents face. In today’s world Christian parents are raising children in a culture that is not Christian-friendly and it can sometimes seem like a losing battle. In this book for parents and caretakers of teenage children or younger, Arlene Pellicane gives you eight strategies for raising kids who love God, respect authority, and value what’s right.

Partners in Marriage and Ministry

Does the Bible prescribe gender roles for men and women? Are men uniquely called to exercise authority in marriage and church ministry? Is submission a one-way street, for women only? Or, has God created us-and called us-to live together in a mutual, shared partnership of yielding in love to each other? Partners in Marriage and Ministry addresses these frequently asked questions. Without the usual argument and rhetoric of the current debate, Partners in Marriage and Ministry presents the biblical tenets of gender equality. Journey through Scripture with Dr. Ron Pierce as he draws readers into topics he has encountered in thirty years of teaching classes on gender and the Bible.

Powers of Darkness: Principalities Powers in Paul’s Letters

Satan worship. Witches. New Age channelers. The last two decades have witnessed a vast upsurge in occult activity. Scores of popular books have warned Christians of the dangers and urged them to do battle against these spiritual forces. Few books, however, have developed a careful biblical theology on demons, principalities and powers. Clinton Arnold seeks to fill this gap, providing an in-depth look at Paul’s letters and what they teach on the subject. A thoughtful, biblical look at an urgent challenge facing the church.

Praying for Your Missionary: How Prayers from Home Can Reach the Nations

Being a missionary is a noble calling, but it’s also a difficult one. Missionaries face many challenges, whether adjusting to a new culture, learning a new language, or guarding against spiritual attacks. Eddie Byun provides a handy guide to praying for missionaries. He shows the vital connection between prayer and missions, how our prayers are connected to both the well-being of missionaries and the fruit of their work. This book offers ways to pray for the various needs that missionaries have on the mission field, to prevent burnout and protect them from harm.

Praying for Your Pastor: How Your Prayer Support Is Their Life Support

It’s tough to be a pastor. Pastors face demands and pressures on every side, from the challenges of church ministry to the realities of spiritual warfare. But you can make a difference. Your prayers provide a lifeline for your pastor’s spiritual health and ministry effectiveness. Eddie Byun offers a handy, practical guide to praying for pastors. He shares stories of how congregational intercession changes things, with specific guidelines for prayers for protection, rest, anointing, integrity and more. God calls us to pray for our leaders. When we do, their ministry is strengthened, the kingdom is advanced and lives and communities are transformed.

Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics: A Guide for Evangelicals

Ever since Richard Foster wrote Celebration of Discipline in 1978, evangelicals have hungered for a deeper and more historic spirituality. Many have come to discover the wealth of spiritual insight available in the Desert Fathers, the medieval mystics, German Pietism and other traditions. While these classics have been a source of life-changing renewal for many, still others are wary of these texts and the foreign theological traditions from which they come. The essays in this volume provide a guide for evangelicals to read the Christian spiritual classics.

Recovering Our Sanity: How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us

Recovering Our Sanity is not another self-help book about how to beat your daily fears for a better life. It’s a book that will show you the gravity and glory of a God who’s worthy of our fear. It’s a book that will reveal how these two biblical phrases—Fear God and Do Not Be Afraid—are not contradictory but actually one coherent message. Michael Horton shows us that we cannot fight our fears by seeking the absence of fear altogether, but by living with a fear of God that drives out the fear of everything else. n the gospel. Humbling, thought-provoking, and hope-igniting, Recovering Our Sanity delivers a timely message that will help you shift your focus from a human-centered obsession with self-preservation to a fixation on Christ and his salvation.

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