Christian Living

Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship

In Following the Master, Michael J. Wilkins addresses questions that perplex the church today- not by offering another discipleship program or manual but by presenting a comprehensive biblical theology of discipleship. Following the Master compares other forms of master-disciple relationships in existence in the ancient Judaism and Greco-Roman world, traces Jesus’ steps as he called and developed disciples, and Mediterranean world as it followed Jesus’ command to make disciples. Following the Master lays the groundwork necessary for developing biblical discipleship ministries in the church, on the mission field, and in parachurch ministries. It is essential reading for all pastors, students, and Christian workers.

Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship – Unabridged Audiobook

In Following the Master, Michael J. Wilkins addresses questions that perplex the church today- not by offering another discipleship program or manual but by presenting a comprehensive biblical theology of discipleship. Following the Master compares other forms of master-disciple relationships in existence in the ancient Judaism and Greco-Roman world, traces Jesus’ steps as he called and developed disciples, and Mediterranean world as it followed Jesus’ command to make disciples. Following the Master lays the groundwork necessary for developing biblical discipleship ministries in the church, on the mission field, and in parachurch ministries. It is essential reading for all pastors, students, and Christian workers.

Free to Thrive: How Your Hurt, Struggles, and Deepest Longings Can Lead to a Fulfilling Life

Are you struggling with anxiety, unhealthy relationships, unresolved hurt, or other soul-scarring pain? Discover how to overcome brokenness and live in God’s freedom! Offering time-tested, biblically based, and research-supported principles, this dynamic guide blends McDowell’s hard-earned wisdom with Bennett’s youthful passion to help young adults thrive as they strive for spiritual, emotional, and relational wholeness.

Godly Conversation

Dr. Joanne Jung has done a great service to the church by bringing back to our attention the long-forgotten Puritan spiritual practice of ‘conference’ in all its various forms. Not content merely to explore this practice on an academic level, Dr. Jung takes the next step and shows how this discipline connects with the contemporary church as an antidote to the now moribund small group movement. Godly Conversation: Rediscovering the Puritan Practice of Conference is a welcome and valuable addition to the now-growing literature on spiritual formation.

Godly Jealousy: A Theology of Intolerant Love

As human jealousy is seldom uncontaminated with sin, it tends only to be understood as a negative emotion. However, the Bible tells us that God is a jealous God, and Erik Thoennes offers us unique insights into Godly Jealousy as taught in Scripture, and also looks closely at biblical leaders who displayed Godly human jealousy. Thoennes masterfully draws ethical and theological implications from godly jealousy for the 21st Century. This book is a must-read for anyone who is concerned with character development and who seeks to know the central values needed in the church today.

Grandparenting Screen Kids: How to Help, What to Say and Where to Begin

Grandparenting Screen Kids is a grandparent’s guide to start bridging this gap. Relationship expert Gary Chapman along with coauthor Arlene Pellicane will help you understand this different (and often troubling) world of iPads, YouTube and video games. They will offer activities to keep your grandkids occupied without screens and assist you in navigating differences with your adult children.

Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World – Unabridged Audiobook [Download]

Whether they’re looking at their phone, tablet, or gaming device, kids seem more glued to a screen than engaged with people. How can you wean your children from dependence on digital devices? In Growing Up Social, Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane share five skills to help you give youngsters a relational edge in a screen-driven world.

How Then Should We Choose?: Three Views on God’s Will and Decision Making

The three-views approach is an effective and succinct means of introducing theological subjects to readers of all levels. How Then Should We Choose? applies this proven format to the vital topic of decision making and the Christian’s search for the will of God. Garry Friesen of Multnomah Bible College, Henry and Richard Blackaby of Blackaby Ministries International, and Gordon T. Smith of Regent College each contribute summaries of their perspectives on God’s will and their approaches to decision making. Book edited by Douglas Huffman.

How to Live an “In Christ” Life: 100 Devotional Readings on Union with Christ

Everywhere we look in the letters of Paul we encounter ‘in Christ.’ But how many of us know why the Apostle Paul uses this expression-or ones like it-over and over again in his letters? What is so important about being in Christ? Is it possible that when Paul talks about inChristness, he is handing us a set of keys that will open up his letters and reveal what is most essential to living the Christian life? In these 100 devotional readingswe discover why inChristness is so important and how to live an in-Christ life.

How to Read Theology for All Its Worth: A Guide for Students

In How to Read Theology for All Its Worth, professor, author, and devoted reader Karin Stetina introduces students to the basic skills of intelligent reading, applied especially to theological works. Anyone who’d like to read theology well, whether a formal student or interested layperson, will benefit from the simple steps Stetina outlines. How to Read Theology for All Its Worth will equip readers not only to understand theology but also to insightfully engage authors’ ideas. With the basic tools in hand, everyone can read with confidence and enjoy “conversations” with theological works.

How to Read Theology for All Its Worth: A Guide for Students – Audiobook

In How to Read Theology for All Its Worth, professor, author, and devoted reader Karin Stetina introduces students to the basic skills of intelligent reading, applied especially to theological works. Anyone who’d like to read theology well, whether a formal student or interested layperson, will benefit from the simple steps Stetina outlines. How to Read Theology for All Its Worth will equip readers not only to understand theology but also to insightfully engage authors’ ideas. With the basic tools in hand, everyone can read with confidence and enjoy “conversations” with theological works.

I Beg to Differ: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Truth and Love

How do we communicate with people who disagree with us? In today’s polarized world, friends and strangers clash with each other over issues large and small. Coworkers have conflicts in the office. Married couples fight over finances. And online commenters demonize one another’s political and religious perspectives. Is there any hope for restoring civil discourse? Communications expert Tim Muehlhoff provides a strategy for having difficult conversations, helping us move from contentious debate to constructive dialogue.

Justice Awakening: How You and Your Church Can Help End Human Trafficking

Justice Awakening is a handbook for Christians who want to bring an end to human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Pastor and activist Eddie Byun provides biblical foundations for understanding God’s heart for justice and the oppressed. He offers practical, on-the-ground steps that any believer or church can take, from youth groups to men’s ministries, orphan care ministries to short-term and long-term missions. Discover what you can do to be part of the solution. And join God’s movement for freedom and justice for all. Includes discussion questions and prayer guides for group use.

Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith

Are your children facing criticism of Christianity while they’re at school, with friends, or online? Perhaps they’ve already expressed some doubts about God. Crain responds to 40 challenging questions that kids face today. Learn how to replace their doubts with confidence, encourage open dialogue, and equip them to defend their faith.

Knowing Grace: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness

There are many fine written works describing the need, purpose, and methods of spiritual disciplines. Knowing Grace complements these by fostering and deepening the reader’s engagement with God through various means of grace. By using this terminology, “means of grace” a rightful emphasis is placed on God’s initiation, invitation, and empowering to engage with Him in ways that foster a greater sensitivity to His movements, stirrings, nudges and voice.

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