
“YHWH Fights for Them!” The Divine Warrior in the Exodus Narrative – Hardcover

The divine warrior is an important motif in the Old Testament, leading many to study profitably the motif in its most prominent manifestations in poetic texts. This study builds on that foundation by examining the divine warrior in detail in the exodus narrative to construct a broader picture of the motif in the Old Testament. The heart of the work focuses on the exodus narrative. Many aspects of YHWH’s actions in the narrative, such as the terminology, his nature weapons, his psychological attacks, the presence of supernatural envoys and disease, and his harmonious relationship with his people identify YHWH’s role as that of a divine warrior.

#Truth: 365 Devotions Connecting Life and Faith for Teens

#Truth by Josh McDowell is a 365-day devotional for teens. This daily devotional is packed with spiritual truths that will inspire, challenge, and fuel your teen’s soul every day of the year from January 1 to December 31. Practical and relevant, each month of devotional readings share a common theme that will lead teens to understand the truths of God and how living them out is beneficial in everyday life.

1 and 2 Corinthians (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary)

Brimming with photos and graphics, the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary walks you verse by verse through all the books of the New Testament. It’s like slipping on a set of glasses that lets you read the Bible through the eyes of a first-century reader! Discoveries await you that will snap the world of the New Testament into gripping immediacy. Written in a clear, engaging style, this beautiful set provides a new and accessible approach that more technical expository and exegetical commentaries don’t offer.

77 FAQs About God and the Bible

Is there scientific proof that God exists? Why does God allow suffering? Is he sexist? What’s the difference between the Bible and the Koran? Today’s seekers have questions—and the McDowells deliver concise, trustworthy answers! This informative resource offers authoritative, easy-to-understand responses to classic queries—and those that arise from contemporary culture.

A Light in Darkness: The Church’s Role in Ending Human Trafficking

It is clear that God is passionate about justice and righteousness in His Word and in our world. With tens of millions of people in slavery today, human trafficking is one of the darkest evils of our generation. But what can we do as believers? A Light in Darkness gives a biblical foundation for the church to understand God’s call for us to pursue justice, and provides practical steps for us to demonstrate the gospel as we shine light into these dark places.

A Longing to Belong: Reflections on Faith, Identity, and Race

A Longing to Belong integrates a biblical worldview and personal experience on the topic of race and race relations. Lee-Barnewall writes as both a New Testament scholar and an Asian American who has personally experienced what it means to be racially marginalized, seeking to filter those experiences through the lens of the New Testament and what it has to say to us today about our Christian calling and our identity in Christ as a member of his body. A Longing to Belong spurs readers to consider what it means to live as racially distinctive people in a fallen world that abounds in misunderstanding and pain and is in desperate need of the gospel of grace, especially as manifested in the redeemed Christian community. Rather than arguing for one “side,” Lee-Barnewall shares examples rooted in her own experience in light of an overarching kingdom theology.

A New Kind of Apologist: *Adopting Fresh Strategies *Addressing the Latest Issues * Engaging the Culture

Do seekers’ questions and criticisms catch you unaware? Here’s your go-to resource for defending the Christian faith in our changing culture. Targeting the pressing issues of our time, A New Kind of Apologist features more than 20 leading apologists addressing controversial topics including transgender lifestyles, the rise of Islam, economic and political realities, religious freedom, and more.

A Reasonable God: Engaging the New Face of Atheism

Eschewing the rhetoric and provocative purposes of best-selling “new atheists” Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris, Ganssle offers a nuanced, charitable, and philosophically well-informed defense of the reality of God. Topics include the relationship between faith and reason, moral arguments for God’s existence, Darwinian theories of the origin of religion, and more.

A Reasonable Response: Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity, and the Bible

Followers of Jesus need not fear hard questions or objections against Christian belief. In A Reasonable Response, renowned Christian philosopher and apologist William Lane Craig offers dozens of examples of how some of the most common challenges to Christian thought can be addressed. Utilizing real questions submitted to his popular website, Dr. Craig models well-reasoned, skillful, and biblically informed interaction with his inquirers. A Reasonable Response goes beyond merely talking about apologetics to showing it in action. With cowriter Joseph E. Gorra, this book also offers advice about envisioning and practicing the ministry of answering people’s questions through the local church, workplace, and in online environments.

A Rebel’s Manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, and Love amid the Noise of Today’s World

Modern life can quickly devolve into an online shouting match! Instead, Sean McDowell wants to help you live calmly and confidently grounded in biblical truth. He offers clear guidance on navigating bullying and social media; handling loneliness, sex, and pornography; approaching difficult conversations about controversial issues; articulating your faith; and more.

Advancing Trinitarian Theology: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics

Trinitarian Theology—the subject of the second annual Los Angeles Theology Conference—sought to make constructive progress in the doctrine of the Trinity by aligning the trinitarian revival with the ongoing task of retrieving the classical doctrine of the Trinity. The nine diverse essays in this collection. Each of the essays collected in this volume engage with Scripture as well as with others in the field—theologians both past and present, from different confessions—in order to provide constructive resources for contemporary systematic theology and to forge a theology for the future.

Alive: A Cold-Case Approach to the Resurrection

A riveting approach to Jesus’ resurrection from a homicide detective and former atheist. Investigating the evidence and eyewitness accounts of the miracle of Easter, Wallace applies his skills to this “case” and determines that Jesus is alive! Excerpted from Cold-Case Christianity, this booklet is great for seekers, small groups, church outreach, and more. 36 pages each, 10 softcovers from Cook.

An Introduction to the Catholic Epistles

This book introduces the Epistles and discusses the different interpretive approaches which have been used to gain a clearer understanding of them. An introductory chapter defines the Epistles and describes the history of their canonization, following chapters are devoted to each of the texts with each chapter including: 1) historical-cultural background; 2) the social-scientific context; 3) social-rhetorical purposes; 4) narrative discourse; 5) postcolonial and 6) feminist insights; and finally 7) theological perspectives. At the end of each chapter there are suggestions for further reading and a list of reflection questions. A final chapter takes up the relationship between the Pauline Epistles and the Catholic Epistles within the New Testament.

Anointed Teaching: Partnership with the Holy Spirit

Anointed Teaching: Partnership with the Holy Spirit, is a welcome new text about what it means to teach and preach the Bible with the Holy Spirit in ways that God can use to form His people in their inner spiritual lives and their outer expressions of faithful living. Pazmiño and Esqueda have offered us thoughtful reflection on what teaching with the Spirit should be like in light of themes they see flowing from our baptism as followers of Christ (“liberation”), our participation in receiving the Lord’s Supper (“celebration”), and the giving of the Spirit at Pentecost (“sustenance”).

Aspects of Reforming: Theology and Practice in Sixteenth Century Europe

The book illustrates the fact that in reforming theology sixteenth century theologians also reformed practice or the imperatives of Christian living. Experts in reformation studies identify and elucidate areas of sixteenth century reforming activity in Martin Luther, John Calvin and other leading reformers to demonstrate the thoroughgoing nature of the reformation agenda. The interpretation of Scripture, the centrality of Jesus Christ, the Jewish question, freedom and pastoral insight form the contents of an important section on Luther. The use of feminine imagery for God, the Augsburg Confession, deification, education, and the gospel are treated in relation to Calvin. The final section deals with Oecolampadius, the Son of Man texts in Matthew, justification, texts on difficult deaths and a Trinitarian exegesis of Scripture. By careful reading of both the historical situation and the primary texts this volume adds significantly to our understanding of the period.

Authentic Communication: Christian Speech Engaging Culture

In Authentic Communication:Christian Speech Engaging Culture they offer readers a vital assessment of the power of words, perspective-taking, persuasion and conflict management–all in an effort to improve our abilities to communicate forgiveness and shape the world we live in for the good. Special attention is focused on the place of Christians as counterpublics–those who offer alternative perspectives to the dominant voices in society. Tim Muehlhoff and Todd Lewis are able guides, aiding us in understanding the broad field of human communication in Christian perspective.

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