
Character Formation in Online Education: A Guide for Instructors, Administrators, and Accrediting Bodies

Character Formation in Online Education features ideas for incorporating and customizing the best and most effective practices of on-campuses classes – – -but within a digital setting. Chapters cover topics such as working with instructional designers, developing discussion prompts, using social media, hybrid courses, assessments, and other concepts professors and university employees will find helpful as they conduct online classes.

Charity and Its Fruits: Living in the Light of God’s Love

Jonathan Edwards took great pains to illustrate how love must be lived out and exercised in one’s life when he exposited I Corinthians 13. Thus Edwards scholar Kyle Strobel has gone to great lengths to help readers understand this classic work of biblical spirituality. This edition of Charity and Its Fruits: Living in Light of God’s Love is an updated, unabridged, and enlightening version of Jonathan Edwards’s Charity and Its Fruits-the perfect blend of doctrine and application on the all-important topic, Christian love.

Chasing Love Teen Bible Study Book

In this 9-session study, McDowell takes teens through God’s Word to answer some of their toughest questions about love, gender, and relationships. The Chasing Love Study Book contains introductory page, conversation starter, and questions with notes to go along with the video teaching and Bible passages.  Designed to be used with Chasing Love video teaching.  For groups and individuals.

Chasing Love-Teen Bible Study Leader Kit

From music to movies to social media, sex is everywhere. Many people think it’s the route to happiness. But Jesus tells us true contentment comes from loving God and others. In this nine 10–15 minutes-per-session study, McDowell takes teens through God’s Word to answer some of their toughest questions about love, gender, and relationships. Kit includes one DVD, a leader’s guide, and a study guide.

Children’s Spirituality, Second Edition

The Society of Children’s Spirituality: Christian Perspectives launched in 2003 with its first conference held at Concordia University Chicago, in River Forest, Illinois. An earlier edition of this book, composed of chapters based on presentations from that conference, was published in 2004. In 2018 a decision was made to revise this book from the inaugural conference, updating some chapters and providing a new perspective on the ongoing work of the organization, now called the Children’s Spirituality Summit. What this revised volume provides is a collection of chapters offering theological perspectives, social science research, and insights on ministry practice about the spiritual lives of children: how they relate to God, how this relationship grows, and what helps in promoting the spiritual formation and vitality of children in the home, church, and school.

Christian Contours: How a Biblical Worldview Shapes the Mind and Heart

What does it mean to think and live Christianly in a world of competing worldviews? Christian Contours answers this question by inviting readers to consider the understanding of reality proposed by the Bible. Though it is easy to divide life into separate compartments (religious and secular, theological and practical), faith invites us to view all of life in the light of that Biblical understanding. Presenting a clear, compelling case for unity in essential Christian tenets, the authors of Christian Contours guide the reader through developing, internalizing, and articulating a biblical worldview. This robust worldview enables the Christian to be a critically-thinking participant in culture and to be a faithful disciple of Christ with both heart and mind.

Christian Physicalism?: Philosophical Theological Criticisms

On the heels of the advance since the twentieth-century of wholly physicalist accounts of human persons, the influence of materialist ontology is increasingly evident in Christian theologizing. To date, the contemporary literature has tended to focus on anthropological issues (e.g., whether the traditional soul / body distinction is viable), with occasional articles treating physicalist accounts of such doctrines as the Incarnation and Resurrection of Jesus cropping up, as well. Interestingly, the literature to date, both for and against this influence, is dominated by philosophers. The present volume is a collection of philosophers and theologians who advance several novel criticisms of this growing trend toward physicalism in Christian theology. The present collection definitively shows that Christian physicalism has some significant philosophical and theological problems. No doubt all philosophical anthropologies have their challenges, but the present volume shows that Christian physicalism is most likely not an adequate accounting for essential theological topics within Christian theism. Christians, then, should consider alternative anthropologies.

Christianity in the Greco-Roman World: A Narrative Introduction

A creative introduction to the world of the New Testament. Background becomes foreground in Moyer Hubbard’s creative introduction to the social and historical setting for the letters of the Apostle Paul to churches in Asia Minor and Europe. Hubbard begins each major section with a brief narrative featuring a fictional character in one of the great cities of that era. Then he elaborates on various aspects of the cultural setting related to each particular vignette, discussing the implications of those venues for understanding Paul’s letters and applying their message to our lives today. Teachers, students, and laypeople alike will appreciate Hubbard’s unique, illuminating, and well-researched approach to the world of the early church.

Christians at Our Best: A Six-Week Guide to Living in the Age of Outrage

Today there are too many examples of those claiming to follow Christ being caustic, divisive, and irrational, contributing to dismissals of the Christian faith as hypocritical, self-interested, and politically co-opted. What has happened in our society? It seems one short outrageous video or pithy post can trigger an avalanche of comments on social media. In this guide, Ed Stetzer―respected columnist and popular Bible teacher―leads small groups through a deep conversation of what it would look like if Christians were at their best. How might our world and our communities be different? Spend the next six weeks discussing what it means to represent the love of Jesus Christ in this new polarized age. This discussion guide for small groups is designed to be used with the teaching videos featuring Ed Stetzer.

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