Christian Living

C. S. Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, Goodness and Beauty – Unabridged Audible Audiobook

What did C. S. Lewis think about truth, goodness and beauty? Fifteen essays explore three major philosophical themes from the writings of Lewis–Truth, Goodness and Beauty. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of Lewis’s philosophical thinking on arguments for Christianity, the character of God, theodicy, moral goodness, heaven and hell, a theory of literature and the place of the imagination.

C. S. Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, Goodness and Beauty – Unabridged Audiobook on CD

What did C. S. Lewis think about truth, goodness and beauty? Fifteen essays explore three major philosophical themes from the writings of Lewis–Truth, Goodness and Beauty. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of Lewis’s philosophical thinking on arguments for Christianity, the character of God, theodicy, moral goodness, heaven and hell, a theory of literature and the place of the imagination.

Christians in the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the World Is at Its Worst – Audiobook

Today there are too many examples of those claiming to follow Christ being caustic, divisive, and irrational, contributing to dismissals of the Christian faith as hypocritical, self-interested, and politically co-opted. What has happened in our society? One short outrageous video, whether it is true or not, can trigger an avalanche of comments on social media. In this groundbreaking book featuring new survey research of evangelicals and their relationship to the age of outrage, Ed Stetzer offers a constructive way forward. You won’t want to miss Ed’s insightful analysis of our chaotic age, his commonsensical understanding of the cultural currents, and his compelling challenge to Christians to live in a refreshingly different way.

Discovering Biblical Equality: Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives – Unabridged Audible Audiobook

The conversation about the relationship between women and men and their roles in the Christian life and the church has evolved, but the topic continues to inspire debate and disagreement. The third edition of this groundbreaking work brings together scholars firmly committed to the authority of Scripture to explore historical, biblical, theological, cultural, and practical aspects of this discussion. This fresh, positive defense of gender equality is at once scholarly and practical, irenic yet spirited, up-to-date, and cognizant of opposing positions. In this edition, readers will find both revised essays and new essays on biblical equality in relation to several issues, including the image of God, the analogy of slavery, same-sex marriage, abortion, domestic abuse, race, and human flourishing. Discover for yourself God’s vision for gender equality.

Discovering Biblical Equality: Biblical, Theological, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives – Unabridged Audiobook on CD

The conversation about the relationship between women and men and their roles in the Christian life and the church has evolved, but the topic continues to inspire debate and disagreement. The third edition of this groundbreaking work brings together scholars firmly committed to the authority of Scripture to explore historical, biblical, theological, cultural, and practical aspects of this discussion. This fresh, positive defense of gender equality is at once scholarly and practical, irenic yet spirited, up-to-date, and cognizant of opposing positions. In this edition, readers will find both revised essays and new essays on biblical equality in relation to several issues, including the image of God, the analogy of slavery, same-sex marriage, abortion, domestic abuse, race, and human flourishing. Discover for yourself God’s vision for gender equality.

Finish the Mission: Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached and Unengaged – Audiobook

This is no ordinary missions book. The theme isn’t new, but the approach is refreshing and compelling, as contributors David Platt, Louie Giglio, Michael Ramsden, Ed Stetzer, Michael Oh, David Mathis, and John Piper take up the mantle of the Great Commission and its Spirit-powered completion. From astronomy to exegesis, from apologetics to the Global South, from being missional at home to employing our resources in the global cause, Finish the Mission aims to breathe fresh missionary fire into a new generation, as together we seek to reach the unreached and engage the unengaged.

Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship – Unabridged Audiobook

In Following the Master, Michael J. Wilkins addresses questions that perplex the church today- not by offering another discipleship program or manual but by presenting a comprehensive biblical theology of discipleship. Following the Master compares other forms of master-disciple relationships in existence in the ancient Judaism and Greco-Roman world, traces Jesus’ steps as he called and developed disciples, and Mediterranean world as it followed Jesus’ command to make disciples. Following the Master lays the groundwork necessary for developing biblical discipleship ministries in the church, on the mission field, and in parachurch ministries. It is essential reading for all pastors, students, and Christian workers.

Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World – Unabridged Audiobook [Download]

Whether they’re looking at their phone, tablet, or gaming device, kids seem more glued to a screen than engaged with people. How can you wean your children from dependence on digital devices? In Growing Up Social, Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane share five skills to help you give youngsters a relational edge in a screen-driven world.

How to Read Theology for All Its Worth: A Guide for Students – Audiobook

In How to Read Theology for All Its Worth, professor, author, and devoted reader Karin Stetina introduces students to the basic skills of intelligent reading, applied especially to theological works. Anyone who’d like to read theology well, whether a formal student or interested layperson, will benefit from the simple steps Stetina outlines. How to Read Theology for All Its Worth will equip readers not only to understand theology but also to insightfully engage authors’ ideas. With the basic tools in hand, everyone can read with confidence and enjoy “conversations” with theological works.

Love Kindness: Discover the Power of a Forgotten Christian Virtue – Unabridged Edition Audiobook Download

Dr. Barry Corey, president of Biola University, believes we tend to devalue the importance of kindness, opting instead for caustic expressions of certainty that push people away. We forget that the essence of what God requires of us is to “love kindness.” In this book, filled with stories from his travels around the globe, Barry shows us the forgotten way of kindness. It is a life that calls us to put ourselves at risk. A life that calls us to hope. A life of a firm center and soft edges. It is the life Christ invites us to follow, no matter what the cost.

Love Your God with All Your Mind – Unabridged Audiobook [Download]

The mind plays an important role in Christianity. Unfortunately, many of us leave our minds behind when it comes to our faith. In Love Your God with All Your Mind, J. P. Moreland presents a logical case for the role of the mind in spiritual transformation. He challenges us to develop a Christian mind and to use our intellect to further God’s kingdom through evangelism, apologetics, worship, and vocation.

Recovering Our Sanity: How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us – Unabridged Audiobook on CD

Recovering Our Sanity is not another self-help book about how to beat your daily fears for a better life. It’s a book that will show you the gravity and glory of a God who’s worthy of our fear. It’s a book that will reveal how these two biblical phrases—Fear God and Do Not Be Afraid—are not contradictory but actually one coherent message. Michael Horton shows us that we cannot fight our fears by seeking the absence of fear altogether, but by living with a fear of God that drives out the fear of everything else. n the gospel. Humbling, thought-provoking, and hope-igniting, Recovering Our Sanity delivers a timely message that will help you shift your focus from a human-centered obsession with self-preservation to a fixation on Christ and his salvation.

Recovering Our Sanity: How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us – Unabridged Audiobook on MP3-CD

Recovering Our Sanity is not another self-help book about how to beat your daily fears for a better life. It’s a book that will show you the gravity and glory of a God who’s worthy of our fear. It’s a book that will reveal how these two biblical phrases—Fear God and Do Not Be Afraid—are not contradictory but actually one coherent message. Michael Horton shows us that we cannot fight our fears by seeking the absence of fear altogether, but by living with a fear of God that drives out the fear of everything else. n the gospel. Humbling, thought-provoking, and hope-igniting, Recovering Our Sanity delivers a timely message that will help you shift your focus from a human-centered obsession with self-preservation to a fixation on Christ and his salvation.

Subversive Kingdom: Living as Agents of Gospel Transformation – Audiobook

The world is broken– more so than we know. But for those who know that Christ is coming to establish a new and perfect order, ours is not just a world to endure but a world to invade. Believers have not been stationed here on earth merely to subsist but to actively subvert the enemy’s attempts at blinding people in unbelief and burying them under heartbreaking loads of human need. The kingdom of God changes all that.

The Unshakable Truth: How You Can Experience the 12 Essentials of a Relevant Faith – Unabridged Audiobook [Download]

The name Josh McDowell promises real-life, on-the-street Christian apologetics. In his first Harvest House book, Josh joins his son Sean to draw on his life’s work and comprehensively address a vital issue: why an entire generation of young Christians—and millions of older believers—is confused about what they believe, why they believe it, and how it’s relevant.