Religion & Society

The Village Enlightenment in America: Popular Religion and Science in the Nineteenth Century

The Village Enlightenment in America focuses on three nineteenth-century spiritual activists who epitomized the marriage of science and religion fostered in antebellum, pre-Darwinian America by the American Enlightenment. Through the lives and work of these three influential men, The Village Enlightenment in America opens a window to a time when science and religion, instead of seeming fundamentally at odds with each other, appeared entirely reconcilable.

Truth and the New Kind of Christian: The Emerging Effects of Postmodernism in the Church

R. Scott Smith surveys the influence of postmodernism and presents the claims of several Christian postmodern authors, including two key leaders in the Emerging Church. He uses their ideas as a starting point for a thorough critique of postmodernism, testing it against Scripture, reason, and logic, and evaluating its strengths and weaknesses. He assesses to what extent, if any, Christians should embrace “Christian” postmodernism.