
Understanding Islam & Christianity: Beliefs That Separate Us & How to Talk About Them

Islam’s objections to Christianity can raise doubts among believers. This practical resource centers on Jesus and the gospel, hitting crucial issues like Jesus’ role as prophet/Messiah; his equality with God; his dishonorable death; and the trustworthiness of the Bible’s accounts. Here’s authoritative evidence to help Christians with Muslims’ questions and challenges.

Understanding Islam and Christianity: Beliefs That Separate Us and How to Talk About Them

Islam’s objections to Christianity can raise doubts among believers. This practical resource centers on Jesus and the gospel, hitting crucial issues like Jesus’ role as prophet/Messiah; his equality with God; his dishonorable death; and the trustworthiness of the Bible’s accounts. Here’s authoritative evidence to help Christians with Muslims’ questions and challenges.

Understanding Old Testament Theology: Mapping the Terrain of Recent Approaches

In Understanding Old Testament Theology, professors Brittany Kim and Charlie Trimm provide an overview of the contemporary approaches to Old Testament theology. In three main sections, they examine approaches that ground Old Testament theology in history, survey approaches that foreground Old Testament theme(s), and consider approaches that highlight different contexts for doing Old Testament theology. Each main chapter describes both common features of the approach and points of tension and then offers a test case illuminating how it has been applied to the book of Exodus. Through reading this book, you’ll hopefully come to see the Old Testament in a fresh light—as something that’s alive and active, continually drawing us into deeper encounters with the living God.

Understanding the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Release Date: October 15, 2024

This up-to-date introduction to the study of the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament surveys the current state of the discipline, summarizes the scholarly conversation, illuminates the New Testament writers’ respect for Old Testament contexts, proposes advances in classification and terminology, and provides resources for further work in the field. New Testament scholar Douglas Huffman suggests a way beyond the impasse concerning the terminology used by scholars in the discipline. He offers a new approach to identifying and interpreting Old Testament quotations, allusions, and echoes by exploring not just the forms but also the features, framings, and functions of the New Testament use of the Old Testament.

Verbal Aspect Theory and the Prohibitions in the Greek New Testament (Studies in Biblical Greek)

The end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries have involved much discussion on overhauling and refining a scholarly understanding of the verbal system for first-century Greek. These discussions have included advances in verbal aspect theory and other linguistic approaches to describing the grammatical phenomena of ancient languages. This volume seeks to apply some of that learning to the narrow realm of how prohibitions were constructed in the first-century Greek of the New Testament.

Viral Churches: Helping Church Planters Become Movement Makers

A groundbreaking guide for multiplying the impact of church plants

Based on a study that was commissioned by the Leadership Network, this book reveals the best practices in church planting and uncovers the common threads among them. A much-needed resource, this book will inform, guide, and even catalyze today’s many church planting leaders. The authors clearly show leaders how to plant churches that create a multiplication movement and offer inspiration for them to do so. The book addresses their questions about what to do next in their church planting strategies, in light of research on what’s actually working best. Offers a definitive guide for church planting and the burgeoning movement it is part of.

Viral Churches: Helping Church Planters Become Movement Makers – Audiobook

A groundbreaking guide for multiplying the impact of church plants

Based on a study that was commissioned by the Leadership Network, this book reveals the best practices in church planting and uncovers the common threads among them. A much-needed resource, this book will inform, guide, and even catalyze today’s many church planting leaders. The authors clearly show leaders how to plant churches that create a multiplication movement and offer inspiration for them to do so. The book addresses their questions about what to do next in their church planting strategies, in light of research on what’s actually working best. Offers a definitive guide for church planting and the burgeoning movement it is part of.

Walking in the Spirit

If you want to live the life of abundance promised by Jesus, you must learn what it means to walk with the the Holy Spirit. He is a wise, biblical, and practical guide to living life in the Spirit as outlined in Romans 8. Filled with real-life examples and engaging personal stories, Berding offers an invaluable message to many of us who either ignore, forget, or want to know more of the Spirit’s role in the Christian life.

Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb: Searching for Jesus’ Path of Power in a Church that Has Abandoned It

Join Goggin and Strobel on a global adventure! Eavesdrop as they talk with J.I. Packer, Dallas Willard, Marva Dawn, Eugene Peterson, and others about celebrity pastors who implode under the spotlight, churches that build a brand but lose their purpose, the temptations of power, and Jesus’ seemingly contradictory idea of strength through weakness.

Welcome to College: A Christ-Follower’s Guide for the Journey

College is a formative period, where students decide and learn about what they want to do with their lives. All the new friends, new experiences, and new learning opportunities help to shape their future – – -but it can be a lot to learn to handle, especially for Christian students who want to keep their faith alive and well. It’s critical that students know how to handle college before they’re in the thick of it. Jonathan Morrow tackles the tough questions that arise during these formative years

Wesley on the Christian Life: The Heart Renewed in Love

In addition to providing a brief biographical sketch of this leading revivalist, Sanders spends equal time exploring Wesley’s take on the central truths of the faith and those doctrines that uniquely characterize the Wesleyan approach to spirituality. Combining history with theology, this helpful introduction to Wesley’s life and beliefs stands as an excellent addition to the growing Theologians on the Christian Life series.

What Are Spiritual Gifts? Rethinking the Conventional View

In this groundbreaking work, New Testament scholar Kenneth Berding suggests that we have misunderstood spiritual gifts themselves and how they function, and thus have embarked on a misplaced search to find individualized spiritual gifts. Berding reconsiders at a fundamental level what spiritual gifts are and argues that the Holy Spirit does not give personalized abilities or enablements, but rather ministries to be undertaken.

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