
A Longing to Belong: Reflections on Faith, Identity, and Race

A Longing to Belong integrates a biblical worldview and personal experience on the topic of race and race relations. Lee-Barnewall writes as both a New Testament scholar and an Asian American who has personally experienced what it means to be racially marginalized, seeking to filter those experiences through the lens of the New Testament and what it has to say to us today about our Christian calling and our identity in Christ as a member of his body. A Longing to Belong spurs readers to consider what it means to live as racially distinctive people in a fallen world that abounds in misunderstanding and pain and is in desperate need of the gospel of grace, especially as manifested in the redeemed Christian community. Rather than arguing for one “side,” Lee-Barnewall shares examples rooted in her own experience in light of an overarching kingdom theology.

A New Kind of Apologist: *Adopting Fresh Strategies *Addressing the Latest Issues * Engaging the Culture

Do seekers’ questions and criticisms catch you unaware? Here’s your go-to resource for defending the Christian faith in our changing culture. Targeting the pressing issues of our time, A New Kind of Apologist features more than 20 leading apologists addressing controversial topics including transgender lifestyles, the rise of Islam, economic and political realities, religious freedom, and more.

A Reasonable God: Engaging the New Face of Atheism

Eschewing the rhetoric and provocative purposes of best-selling “new atheists” Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris, Ganssle offers a nuanced, charitable, and philosophically well-informed defense of the reality of God. Topics include the relationship between faith and reason, moral arguments for God’s existence, Darwinian theories of the origin of religion, and more.

A Reasonable Response: Answers to Tough Questions on God, Christianity, and the Bible

Followers of Jesus need not fear hard questions or objections against Christian belief. In A Reasonable Response, renowned Christian philosopher and apologist William Lane Craig offers dozens of examples of how some of the most common challenges to Christian thought can be addressed. Utilizing real questions submitted to his popular website, Dr. Craig models well-reasoned, skillful, and biblically informed interaction with his inquirers. A Reasonable Response goes beyond merely talking about apologetics to showing it in action. With cowriter Joseph E. Gorra, this book also offers advice about envisioning and practicing the ministry of answering people’s questions through the local church, workplace, and in online environments.

A Rebel’s Manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, and Love amid the Noise of Today’s World

Modern life can quickly devolve into an online shouting match! Instead, Sean McDowell wants to help you live calmly and confidently grounded in biblical truth. He offers clear guidance on navigating bullying and social media; handling loneliness, sex, and pornography; approaching difficult conversations about controversial issues; articulating your faith; and more.

A Rebel’s Manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, and Love amid the Noise of Today’s World – Unabridged Audiobook on CD

In this book, Sean McDowell aims to encourage and inspire a generation of rebels who will dare to stand up to the madness in a just and loving manner.

A Rebel’s Manifesto offers clear guidance to help people navigate the many moral issues that plague this generation. Students today are oriented toward action on ethical issues, and Sean will not only help them think biblically about various ethical issues, but he will also offer practical steps to make a positive difference in this world.