Where Prayer Becomes Real: How Honesty with God Transforms Your Soul

Prayer isn’t a place for us to be good or right. It isn’t a place for us to perform or prove our worth. It’s a place for us to be honest, present, and known-a place for us to offer ourselves and receive God. Spiritual formation experts Kyle Strobel and John Coe want to show you what you’ve been missing when it comes to prayer.

, Paperback, eBook 208 Baker Books 2021

Meet The Author

Prayer isn’t a place for us to be good or right. It isn’t a place for us to perform or prove our worth. It’s a place for us to be honest, present, and known-a place for us to offer ourselves and receive God. Spiritual formation experts Kyle Strobel and John Coe want to show you what you’ve been missing when it comes to prayer. In this down-to-earth and practical book, they show you how to:
  • Pray within the forgiveness Christ offers.
  • Pray as one beloved of God.
  • Pray as a way to open your heart to the truth of yourself.
  • Pray in a way that moves beyond cliches to discover where prayer becomes real.
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