Todd W. Hall

Todd W. Hall, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University. He is the founder and former director of the Institute for Research on Psychology and Spirituality at Rosemead. He also serves as a Faculty Affiliate in the Harvard Human Flourishing Program within the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University.

Dr. Hall’s writing and research focus on relational approaches to spiritual development, leadership/organizational development and flourishing. He has won awards for his research from the American Psychological Association and the Christian Association for Psychological Studies. Dr. Hall has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals such as Psychology of Religion and Spirituality; Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion; International Journal for the Psychology of Religion; Spirituality in Clinical Practice; Journal of Positive Psychology, and the Journal of Psychology and Theology.

Over the past two decades Dr. Hall has worked to develop a broad theory of Relational Spirituality, the subject of his 2021 book with IVP Academic: Relational Spirituality: A Psychological-Theological Paradigm for Transformation. As part of this research program, Dr. Hall has developed several widely used measures of relational spirituality (Spiritual Assessment Inventory, Spiritual Transformation Inventory, SpiritPulse) and published/presented empirical research on topics such as attachment to God, attachment and psychological well-being and longitudinal trends of college student spirituality. He recently developed a model and measure of relational virtues in leadership and led a study on the role of relational connection in leadership and organizational culture. He is currently involved in a national study of employee flourishing with the Harvard Human Flourishing Program.

Dr. Hall’s current research focuses on emerging adult spirituality, the measurement of well-being, attachment-based leadership, and employee motivation. Dr. Hall is a partner at Flourishing Metrics and serves as Chief Science Officer for PRUVIO. In his work with these organizations, he consults regularly to organizations in the areas of leadership/organizational development and employee motivation and well-being. Dr. Hall maintains a small clinical practice specializing in attachment-based psychoanalytic psychotherapy with adults, and a coaching practice with senior level leaders.

Affiliation Faculty, Student
Position Professor of Psychology
Degree M.A. Clinical Psychology
Degree PhD Clinical Psychology

Author's books

Psychology in the Spirit: Contours of a Transformational Psychology

John H. Coe and Todd W. Hall tackle these and other provocative questions in this next volume of the Christian Worldview Integration Series which offers an introduction to a new approach to psychology that seeks to integrate psychology and spiritual formation. This model “represents a spiritual formation and relational approach to psychology for the sake of servicing the spiritual needs of the church.” Their goal is to provide a unique model of doing psychology and science in the Spirit. Here you will find an introduction to the foundations, methodology, content and praxis for this new approach to soulcare.

Relational Spirituality: A Psychological-Theological Paradigm for Transformation

In Relational Spirituality, Hall and Hall present a definitive model of spiritual transformation based on a relational paradigm. At its heart is the truth that human beings are fundamentally relational—we develop, heal, and grow through relationships. While many sanctification models are fragmented, individualistic, and lack a clear process for change, the relational paradigm paints a coherent picture of both process and goal, supported by both ancient wisdom and cutting-edge research. Integrating insights from psychology and theology, this book lays out the basis for relational spiritual transformation and how it works practically in the context of relationships and community.

The Connected Life: The Art and Science of Relational Spirituality

Psychologist Todd Hall has been researching human relationships and ways of connecting for many years. In The Connected Life, he offers the fruit of that work, contending that real human growth doesn’t come through head knowledge alone but through relational knowledge and strong attachment bonds. It’s our relationships—with God and others—that lead to authentic transformation. Ultimately, the family of God provides the best context for lasting growth.