
God Is Great, God Is Good: Why Believing in God Is Reasonable and Responsible

The aggressive assault on religion, and particularly Christianity, by the “New Atheism” has reached through the airways, and across the web. Writers such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins have been as aggressive as they have been virulent against religion. But can their objections and arguments be answered? That is the purpose of the multi-faceted book of essays, God is Good, God is Great: Why Believing in God is reasonable and Responsible written by leading scholars in cosmology, astrophysics, biology, theology, and philosophy including Alister McGrath, Scot McKnight, Gary Habermas, John Polkinghorne, J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, and Michael Behe, this book answers to the tough questions and engages the difficult answers.

, Paperback, eBook 272 InterVarsity Press 2009 Chad Meister

Meet The Author

The aggressive assault on religion, and particularly Christianity, by the “New Atheism” has reached through the airways, and across the web. Writers such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins have been as aggressive as they have been virulent against religion. But can their objections and arguments be answered?

That is the purpose of the multi-faceted book of essays, God is Good, God is Great: Why Believing in God is reasonable and Responsible written by leading scholars in cosmology, astrophysics, biology, theology, and philosophy including Alister McGrath, Scot McKnight, Gary Habermas, John Polkinghorne, J.P. Moreland, William Lane Craig, and Michael Behe, this book answers to the tough questions and engages the difficult answers.