An unlikely adventurer, a Christian college professor named Michael Jernigan, takes a classroom full of students on a fascinating journey through an ancient Cambodian text called The Five Crossings. The mysterious lessons on life, art, philosophy, and religious truth are explosively punctuated by an all-too-realistic terrorist plot in southern California. Because of his rare language abilities, Jernigan is called upon to translate some intercepted messages and finds himself thrust into an incredibly tense situation where thousands of lives are at stake.
Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture: A Biblical and Culturally Relevant Approach to Talking About God
In a culture whose needs and obstacles to faith are continuously shifting, Christians are wise to ask themselves: How do we share and defend the gospel with relevance for today? Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture is a practical how-to guide for conveying and upholding the Christian faith in our contemporary cultural context. With contributions from 23 leading voices in Christian apologetics and six in-depth expert interviews, this empowering resource addresses both classic and new apologetics issues. Suitable for both individual and group study, this relationally-driven guide will help you honor God and love others better as you engage today’s issues with truth, wisdom, and compassion.