Jonathan Edwards: An Introduction to His Thought

In this accessible one-volume text, leading Edwards experts Oliver Crisp and Kyle Strobel introduce readers to the fascinating and formidable mind of Jonathan Edwards as they survey key theological and philosophical themes in his thought, including his doctrine of the Trinity, his philosophical theology of God and creation, and his understanding of the atonement and salvation. More than two centuries after his death, theologians and historians alike are finding the larger-than-life Edwards more interesting than ever. Crisp and Strobel’s concise yet comprehensive guide will help students of this influential eighteenth-century revivalist preacher to understand why. Student-friendly intro to one of America’s most fascinating theological minds

Paperback, eBook 244 Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 2018

Meet The Author

Student-friendly intro to one of America’s most fascinating theological minds

Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) has long been recognized as one of the preeminent thinkers in the early Enlightenment and a major figure in the history of American Christianity.

In this accessible one-volume text, leading Edwards experts Oliver Crisp and Kyle Strobel introduce readers to the fascinating and formidable mind of Jonathan Edwards as they survey key theological and philosophical themes in his thought, including his doctrine of the Trinity, his philosophical theology of God and creation, and his understanding of the atonement and salvation.

More than two centuries after his death, theologians and historians alike are finding the larger-than-life Edwards more interesting than ever. Crisp and Strobel’s concise yet comprehensive guide will help students of this influential eighteenth-century revivalist preacher to understand why.

Editorial Reviews

This is an outstanding introduction to the theology of Jonathan Edwards. Drawing upon the latest scholarship and a mastery of Edwards’s writings, it is well written, comprehensive, and concise. I expect it to be widely used in the classroom and to become a standard point of reference in the field.
George Hunsinger, Princeton Theological Seminary

Written by two of the most astute contemporary commentators on Jonathan Edwards, this volume performs a valuable service by focusing on salient topics in Edwards’s philosophical thought that are currently engaging the wider community. By highlighting these themes, the authors make Edwards part of a long tradition while also marking his unique, sometimes vexed, solutions to many key philosophical and theological questions.
Kenneth Minkema, Jonathan Edwards Center, Yale University

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