Bible Revival: Recommitting Ourselves to One Book

Bible Revival passionately explores why the Bible needs to be the single most important book in the Christian’s life—and how to make it so. Unlike most books about the Bible, Berding digs deep to uncover the motivations and distractions that keep Christians from engaging with the Bible. But he does more than just point out the problems; he lovingly offers solutions in order learn, value, understand, apply, obey, and speak the Bible.

Paperback, eBook 122 Lexham Press 2018 ,

Meet The Author

Bible Revival passionately explores why the Bible needs to be the single most important book in the Christian’s life—and how to make it so. Unlike most books about the Bible, Berding digs deep to uncover the motivations and distractions that keep Christians from engaging with the Bible. But he does more than just point out the problems; he lovingly offers solutions in order learn, value, understand, apply, obey, and speak the Bible.

Editorial Reviews

Bible Revival is at once an accessible and soul-searching read. Kenneth Berding is prophetic and characteristically pastoral in his approach to difficult and sometimes personal questions. Early on, he identifies what he calls a “famine of hearing the words of the Lord.” He goes on to present clear, scripturally grounded strategies for finding nourishment in the famine. You cannot help but be challenged by this book, and if you receive Dr. Berding’s admonitions and advice, you will find yourself reevaluating the place of Scripture in your life.
Barry H. Corey, President, Biola University

Evangelicals by definition emphasize conversion and the centrality of Scripture. Yet, an emphasis on the former too often comes at the expense of the latter. We preach and pray for a revival making a priority of religious experience while downplaying the importance of the Word. Rather than bringing true life, this bifurcation is spiritually deadening. No real revival comes without a powerful return to the Word of God. As Kenneth Berding writes, such revivals are ‘like a sparkler that spouted brilliant colors for a moment, sputtered, then [grows] suddenly dark.’ This helpful, little volume promises to do a great work for the modern church. Immensely practical, Bible Revival focuses the heart and the mind of the reader on the importance of reading and applying the word of God in a powerful way. May it be that those who take the time to read this book be found to be like Ezra whom God blessed because he had committed himself to meditating on God’s Word, applying God’s Word, and teaching other’s to do the same.
Peter Beck, Pastor of Doorway Baptist Church, North Charleston, SC; Associate Professor of Christian Studies & Director of the Honors Program, Charleston Southern University

Bible Revival is more that the title of Kenneth Berding’s latest book; it is a hope and an intent of his heart. Berding has been a keen observer of the growing need for the Bible to be known and lived. Passionately, he rightly argues for how Christians, if they are indeed Christians, approach, absorb, and apply God’s Word. His engaging writing style is a rare gift, and will guide many to desire, know, and live out the truth that the Bible is God’s powerful words for life for the individual and the community.
Joanne J. Jung, Associate Professor, Biblical and Theological Studies, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University.

For over 25 years I have known Kenneth Berding and followed his ministry, first as a cross-cultural church planter in the Middle East, and now as a theologian, Bible professor, and published author. He has always been a ‘man of One Book’ and the Bible has always been his life’s compass. Bible Revival describes with conviction and candor, not only the Bible-knowledge famine we face, but provides reasonable steps we can take to return to Bible fluency health. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants their life to count for Jesus Christ!

Bill MacLeod, Founder, Mission ConneXion

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