Beyond the First Visit: The Complete Guide to Connecting Guests to Your Church

All churches like to think that theirs is the friendliest in town. But do visitors see it that way? Church consultant Gary McIntosh invites readers to take a look at their church through the eyes of visitors and potential visitors. His starting point, grounded in an understanding of God as a “welcomer,” is that churches should see those who enter their doors as not merely visitors, but as guests, and themselves as gracious hosts. This practical book offers sound advice on assessing and improving the ways in which churches attract people, welcome them, do follow-up, and bring them into the church family. It also offers suggestions for making a welcoming attitude part of the very fabric of the local church.

Paperback, eBook 188 Baker Books 2006

Meet The Author

Does your church put out the “Welcome” mat or the “Do not disturb” sign?

We all like to think that our church is the friendliest one in town. But do visitors see it that way? Church consultant Gary L. McIntosh invites you to take another look at your church through the eyes of a first-time guest to identify the things that might be holding them back from a second visit.

This very practical book offers sound advice on assessing and improving the ways in which your church attracts people, welcomes them, does follow-up, and brings them into the church family. More than simply offering mere techniques, it gives suggestions for making a welcoming attitude part of the very fabric of your church.

Editorial Reviews

McIntosh is a coach who knows the fundamentals of church life and outreach. Beyond the First Visit is an essential training tool on how to implement these fundamentals.
Dr. John W. Ellas, Center for Church Growth

Gary McIntosh has learned, as a church consultant with years of experience, to see the churches he visits from the first-time guest’s point of view. We have only one chance to make a first impression!
Eddie Gibbs, Fuller Theological Seminary

McIntosh’s new book fills a long-standing void. No one (to my knowledge) since Lyle Schaller’s Assimilating New Members, published in 1978, has addressed the challenge of effectively including new people in the church’s life with this much background, savvy, and precision.
George G. Hunter III, distinguished professor of Evangelism and Church Growth, Asbury Theological Seminary

This book is great! It’s filled with practical ideas to tackle every local church’s greatest challenge: how to connect and disciple new people. We have already begun to implement many of Gary’s excellent ideas.
Dr. Gary D. Kinnaman, author, senior pastor, Word of Grace, Mesa, AZ

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