
Clinton E. Arnold

Clinton E. Arnold enjoys teaching, speaking and writing on various aspects of the New Testament. He has had a special interest in the historical and cultural setting of the letters of Paul. He is the former Dean of Talbot School of Theology and a past President of the Evangelical Theological Society. Arnold is the editor of the four-volume Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary for which he wrote commentaries on “Acts," "Ephesians” and “Colossians”. He is the general editor of the 20-volume Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament for which he has written the volume on “Ephesians”. Arnold has published in Christianity Today and was a regular columnist for Discipleship Journal. His research articles have appeared in such journals as New Testament Studies, Novum Testamentum, Journal for the Study of the New Testament and the Journal of Psychology and Theology.

Affiliations Faculty, Alumnus
Position Research Professor of New Testament
Degree Master of Divinity, Talbot School of Theology
Degree B.A. Communications

Author's books

Ephesians, A Video Study

In Ephesians, A Video Study, Clinton Arnold presents Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians with precision and accuracy. Focusing on the textual structure of the Scriptures, learners will better understand the literary elements, comprehend the author’s revolutionary goals, and ultimately discover the book’s vital claims upon today’s church.

Ephesians: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

Designed for pastors, students, and Bible teachers, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament examines the biblical text in its original context. Written by scholars who carefully attend to and build their interpretation on grammatical detail, literary context, rhetorical flow, theological nuance, and historical setting in their interpretation, the ZECNT series is ideal for the task of exegesis and constructing expository sermons. Analysis of the text is also aided by graphic representations of discourse analysis and an exegetical outline.

ESV Study Bible

The ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way. Created by a diverse team of 95 leading Bible scholars and teachers―from 9 countries, nearly 20 denominations, and 50 seminaries, colleges, and universities―the ESV Study Bible features a wide array of study tools, including extensive study notes, 200 full-color maps, 40 full-color illustrations, charts, timelines, articles, and introductions, making it a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word.

How We Got The Bible: A Visual Journey

How did the Bible come to be? How has it been passed down to us through the ages? Is it still trustworthy and relevant after all these years? The Bible is the bestselling book of all time and the basis of faith for billions of people around the world. Encompassing the fields of archaeology, biblical studies, and history, the story of how the Bible has come to us today is a fascinating one. It is told here, accompanied by beautiful full-color photographs and illustrations. You’ll marvel at the care and reverence with which this ancient book has been preserved. Just a few of the remarkable insights you’ll gain include scriptural origins on animal skins and clay tablets and the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

James: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament examines the biblical text in its original environment. Notable evangelical scholars carefully attend to grammatical detail, literary context, rhetorical flow, theological nuance, and historical setting in their interpretation. Critical scholarship informs each step, but does not dominate the commentary, allowing readers to concentrate on the biblical author’s message as it unfolds. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Greek, all who strive to understand and teach the New Testament will find this series beneficial. The general editor for this enterprising series is Clinton E. Arnold.

Power and Magic: The Concept of Power in Ephesians

Power and Magic is one of the few books which literally cannot be ignored by any serious Bible student. In fact, it makes the classical commentaries on Ephesians that I am familiar with virtually obsolete. Clinton Arnold has done us all a great favor by throwing vital new light on our understanding of what really motivated the Apostle Paul to write one of his most important epistles.

Powers of Darkness: Principalities Powers in Paul’s Letters

Satan worship. Witches. New Age channelers. The last two decades have witnessed a vast upsurge in occult activity. Scores of popular books have warned Christians of the dangers and urged them to do battle against these spiritual forces. Few books, however, have developed a careful biblical theology on demons, principalities and powers. Clinton Arnold seeks to fill this gap, providing an in-depth look at Paul’s letters and what they teach on the subject. A thoughtful, biblical look at an urgent challenge facing the church.

Short Answers to Big Questions About God, the Bible, and Christianity

Short Answers to Big Questions About God, the Bible, & Christianity presents a fair and honest responses to 50 of the most common questions asked about Christianity. Clinton Arnold and Jeff Arnold answer questions such as Does God hate sex? Why are there hypocrites in the church? Are there errors in the Bible? Did Jesus literally rise from the dead? Am I good enough to go to heaven? Do believers need to go to church? What is God actually like?

The Apologetics Study Bible

The Apologetics Study Bible helps today’s Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in this age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism. More than one-hundred key questions and articles placed throughout the volume about faith and science prompt a rewarding study experience at every reading. Highlights of this thinking person’s edition of God’s Word include the full text of the popular HCSB translation, an introduction to each Bible book focusing on its inherent elements of apologetics, and profiles of historic Christian apologists from Justin Martyr to C.S. Lewis.

The Colossian Syncretism: The Interface Between Christianity and Folk Belief at Colossae

Drawing upon little-known angel inscriptions, magical texts, and archaeological evidence from Asia Minor, the author argues that the Colossians tried to combine Paul’s teachings about Christ with local pagan and Jewish folk beliefs. The result was a syncretism that kept them captive to the fear of evil spirits, dependent on the power of magic and amulets, and blind to the liberating power of the indwelling Christ, the supreme Creator and Lord of all spiritual principalities and powers.

The Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God is a very large biblical category indeed. Accordingly, a comprehensive understanding of the kingdom would illuminate many aspects of theology. With this in mind, Bruce Waltke, Robert Yarbrough, Gerald Bray, Clinton Arnold, Gregg Allison, Stephen Nichols, and Anthony Bradley have collaborated to articulate a full view of the kingdom of God across multiple disciplines. One of the most important books on the kingdom since G. E. Ladd, this volume offers a robust theology and is corroborated by the very series in which it stands. Fourth in the noted Theology in Community series, The Kingdom of God establishes the significance of the kingdom from the perspectives of biblical theology, systematic theology, history, pastoral application, missiology, and cultural analysis.

The Matthew Commentary Collection: An All-In-One Commentary Collection for Studying the Book of Matthew

This all-in-one commentary bundle on the book of Matthew features volumes from the NIV Application Commentary Series, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary Series, and Story of God Bible Commentary Series. Each volume provides new and unique insights from leading biblical scholars Michael Wilkins, Grant Osborne, and Scot McKnight. The unique features from each volume along with the diverse insights provided by the authors gives you all the tools you need to study and master the book of Matthew.

Women and Men in Ministry: A Complementary Perspective

Are we working together as well as we could be? The role of women in the church is an ongoing debate within the church. On one side are those who say there is no difference between men and women. On the other side are those who severely limit women who want to offer ministry to the church. Judith TenElshof and Robert Saucy take the middle approach. Believing that the modern views have denied the distinctions between men and women, TenElshof and Saucy take the complementarian approach. They argue that while men and women are equal, God has given different roles to each, and that these roles rely on each other to be fully effective.

Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, 5 Volumes: New Testament

View the New Testament through the eyes of a first-century reader! Based on relevant papyri, inscriptions, archaeological discoveries, and the latest research on Judaism, Roman culture, Hellenism, and other sources, this accessible reference offers a verse-by-verse look at the NT, putting it in its ancient context. The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary Set includes hundreds of color photographs, illustrations, maps, charts, and more. The set includes Matthew, Mark, Luke (Volume 1); John (Volume 2A); Acts (Volume 2B); Romans to Philemon (Volume 3); and Hebrews to Revelation (Volume 4).