Christians in the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the World Is at Its Worst

Today there are too many examples of those claiming to follow Christ being caustic, divisive, and irrational, contributing to dismissals of the Christian faith as hypocritical, self-interested, and politically co-opted. What has happened in our society? One short outrageous video, whether it is true or not, can trigger an avalanche of comments on social media. In this groundbreaking book featuring new survey research of evangelicals and their relationship to the age of outrage, Ed Stetzer offers a constructive way forward. You won’t want to miss Ed’s insightful analysis of our chaotic age, his commonsensical understanding of the cultural currents, and his compelling challenge to Christians to live in a refreshingly different way.

Paperback, Hardcover, eBook 336 Tyndale Momentum 2018 , ,

Meet The Author

Are you tired of reading another news story about Christians supposedly acting at their worst?
Today there are too many examples of those claiming to follow Christ being caustic, divisive, and irrational, contributing to dismissals of the Christian faith as hypocritical, self-interested, and politically co-opted. What has happened in our society? One short outrageous video, whether it is true or not, can trigger an avalanche of comments on social media.

Welcome to the new age of outrage.
In this groundbreaking book featuring new survey research of evangelicals and their relationship to the age of outrage, Ed Stetzer offers a constructive way forward. You won’t want to miss Ed’s insightful analysis of our chaotic age, his commonsensical understanding of the cultural currents, and his compelling challenge to Christians to live in a refreshingly different way.

Editorial Reviews

Once again, Ed has analyzed a troublesome trend in our culture and given us solid advice on how to respond to it in a Christlike manner. If you’ve ever wondered how we can share the love of Jesus in the midst of all the shouting and division, you need to read this book immediately.
Rick Warren, Senior pastor, Saddleback Church; author of The Purpose Driven Life

Sometimes it seems that everyone is angry today. Division and strife are everywhere. In Christians in the Age of Outrage, Ed Stetzer lays out the problems in the culture and in the church, but then gives us a God-honoring path to bring our best even when the world is at its worst.
Bryan Loritts, Author of Insider, Outsider: My Journey as a Stranger in White Evangelicalism and My Hope for Us All

From political campaigns to nightly news, from clickbait headlines to social media, we exist in such a perpetual state of outrage that escape seems impossible. But with thorough research, compelling anecdotes, and clarity of both vision and communication, Ed Stetzer offers a way out that is not only possible but―for the Christian―imperative.
Karen Swallow Prior, Author of On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Books

It’s an angry world right now, and we need a grace-filled and gospel-driven response. My friend Ed Stetzer shows us how to walk through the minefields of disagreement in winsome and God-honoring ways.
Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

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