The Miracles of Jesus – DVD Bible Study

Deepen your understanding of the New Testament and build on what you already know with this 6-session study, which cover six of Jesus’ most well-known miracles. Each DVD session lasts approximately 30 minutes and offers historical and cultural background information from top scholars and professionals. The DVD also offers a free downloadable leader’s guide. From the healing of lepers to turning water into wine, many studies focus on how miracles demonstrate God’s power. But this study takes it a step further showing how each miracle reveals God’s character, the kingdom of God, and his love for you. This is unlike any other Bible study—it includes more scholars, more pictures, and more opportunities to see what Bible places look like today!

DVD Rose Publishing 2016

Meet The Author

Deepen your understanding of the New Testament and build on what you already know with this 6-session study, which cover six of Jesus’ most well-known miracles. Each DVD session lasts approximately 30 minutes and offers historical and cultural background information from top scholars and professionals. The DVD also offers a free downloadable leader’s guide. From the healing of lepers to turning water into wine, many studies focus on how miracles demonstrate God’s power. But this study takes it a step further showing how each miracle reveals God’s character, the kingdom of God, and his love for you. This is unlike any other Bible study—it includes more scholars, more pictures, and more opportunities to see what Bible places look like today! Each session of this DVD study begins with a short guided walkthrough of the places Jesus walked to help you experience the historical context like never before. Features:
  • Journey to relevant locations like the bustling marketplaces of Jerusalem, fertile vineyards, and the Sea of Galilee as you dive deeper into well-known Bible passage.
  • Enjoy getting easy-to-understand commentary from top professors and experts from Biola, Wheaton, Talbot, and more!
  • Discover incredible historical insights that will deepen your understanding of these familiar stories. Did you know that the title “Son of David” is always referenced with healing in the Gospel of Matthew?
  • Includes optional audio reading and a flexible structure design to facilitate group discussion.
  • Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, or personal use. You don’t have to be an expert to lead this study.
A Participant’s Guide (ISBN 9781628624311) is also available. It outlines each video teaching with room for notes, and includes photos, maps, additional information, and a five-day personal Bible study guide after each lesson. About the Video Speakers Dr. Matt Williams, Biola University — the associate professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California. A former missionary to Spain, Matt preaches and teaches at churches throughout the United States and Spain. He is general editor of Colección Teológica Contemporánea, a series of theological books in Spanish, and is the author of two books on the Gospels. Dr. Ben Witherington III, Asbury Theological Seminary — the professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. Ben is an avid fan of jazz and sports, especially the Atlanta Braves. He has led numerous study tours through the lands of the Bible and is known for bringing the text to life through incisive historical and cultural analysis. He is a prolific author, including commentaries on all four gospels. Dr. David Garland, Truett Theological Seminary — the professor of Christian Scriptures at Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. David is closely connected to local church ministry and has served as interim pastor of fifteen churches in Kentucky, Indiana, and Texas. He is author of many books, including commentaries on the gospels of Matthew and Mark. Dr. Gary Burge, Wheaton College — the professor of New Testament at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, and a sought-after conference speaker. His experiences in Beirut, Lebanon, in the early 1970s when civil war broke out have helped him to see how valuable it is to understand the world of the Middle East in order to correctly understand the biblical world of Jesus. Gary is the author of many books, including a commentary on the gospel of John. Dr. Mark Strauss, Bethel Seminary — the professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary in San Diego, California. He is a frequent preacher at San Diego area churches and has served in three interim pastorates. Mark is the author of many books, including a commentary on the gospel of Luke and Four Portraits, One Jesus: An Introduction to Jesus and the Gospels. Dr. Michael Wilkins, Talbot School of Theology — the professor of New Testament Language and Literature and the dean of the faculty at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, California. Michael speaks throughout the world about his two passions: surfing and discipleship. He was senior pastor of two different churches in California and has written numerous books, including two commentaries on the gospel of Matthew.

Session Titles/Summaries

Session 1: The Clean Daughter (Healing of the Woman with the Issue of Blood) Dive into the story of the healings of the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus’ daughter. Dr. Gary Burge shows us how to apply this miracle to our everyday lives and enrich our communities. Session 2: The Heartbeat of God (Jesus Turns Water to Wine) Learn what the miracle of Jesus turning water to wine at the wedding in Cana meant to first-century believers and what it means for us today. Dr. Matt Williams reveals the cultural significance of this miracle and unpacks its meaningful details. Session 3: Knowing the King (Feeding the 5,000 and Walking on Water) Jesus used the feeding of the five thousand and walking on water to illustrate who he is, but the Jewish people and even the disciples misunderstood these signs. Dr. Michael Wilkins draws out the profound truths in each of these miracles and what they tells us about Christ. Session 4: A Faith-full Outsider (Faith of the Canaanite Woman) Unpack the story of the faith of the Canaanite woman and the miracle of her daughter’s deliverance from demons. Join Dr. Ben Witherington as he gives a clear overview of the story, packed with cultural and biblical context. Session 5: Fruitless Lives (Cursing of the Fig Tree) Explore the complexities behind Jesus cursing the fig tree before overturning the Temple tables with Dr. David Garland. Uncover the rich meaning behind this strange and puzzling miracle. Session 6: Grateful Outcasts (Healing of the Ten Lepers) Understand the depth of Jesus’ healing of the ten lepers. Dr. Mark Strauss unpacks this miracle of healing leprosy and how we can strengthen our faith and reach the outcast and the marginalized people of society.
Product Type

Video, Study