How to Thrive in Associate Staff Ministry

In How to Thrive in Associate Staff Ministry, Lawson combines in a masterful way his scholarly research skills with his experience as a member of Christian education in local churches of three denominations. Lawson deals with the problems of staff ministry, but problems are not the beginning point. This book is about ministry enhancement, not problem-solving. His study focuses on long-serving staff ministers who are thriving in such ministry. His purpose is to identify those practices that promote longevity, satisfaction, and personal well-being.

Paperback, eBook 225 Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2000 ,

Meet The Author

In How to Thrive in Associate Staff Ministry, Lawson combines in a masterful way his scholarly research skills with his experience as a member of Christian education in local churches of three denominations. His research methods are solid, and his illustrations from his own experience and that of the dozens of local-church staff members he studied are authentic and appropriate.

Lawson deals with the problems of staff ministry, but problems are not the beginning point. This book is about ministry enhancement, not problem-solving. His study focuses on long-serving staff ministers who are thriving in such ministry. His purpose is to identify those practices that promote longevity, satisfaction, and personal well-being.

Contents include:

CHAPTER 1. Finding Satisfaction in Following God’s Direction
CHAPTER2. Working Well with Your Supervisor and Fellow Associates
CHAPTER 3. Foundational Attitudes and Commitments
CHAPTER4. Church Environments that Enable Thriving
CHAPTER 5. Sustaining Personal Spiritual Vitality
CHAPTER 6. Building Supportive Relationships
CHAPTER 7. Strengthening the Home Front
CHAPTER 8. Savoring Joys and Weathering Storms
CHAPTER 9. Thriving Skills for Female Associate Staff
CHAPTER 10. Veterans’ Advice to “Wanna-bes” and “Newbies”

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