Handbook for Supervisors of Doctoral Students in Evangelical Theological Institutions

Theological education is a vital aspect of Christian mission. The training of evangelical doctoral students in theological subject areas is therefore an important part of the mission of God. This handbook presents doctoral supervision as a task involving both academic and spiritual formation. Designed to be practical and relevant, and to encourage self-reflection at both individual and institutional levels, it combines theological foundations with educational theory accompanied by questions, exercises and case studies to develop doctoral-level skills. Central to the theme of this handbook is the promotion of excellence in academic training combined with a strong focus on the spiritual and pastoral dynamics of supervision – a combination that evangelical students desperately need from their supervisors.

Paperback, Hardcover, eBook 242 Langham Global Library 2015

Meet The Author

Theological education is a vital aspect of Christian mission. The training of evangelical doctoral students in theological subject areas is therefore an important part of the mission of God. This handbook presents doctoral supervision as a task involving both academic and spiritual formation. Designed to be practical and relevant, and to encourage self-reflection at both individual and institutional levels, it combines theological foundations with educational theory accompanied by questions, exercises and case studies to develop doctoral-level skills. Central to the theme of this handbook is the promotion of excellence in academic training combined with a strong focus on the spiritual and pastoral dynamics of supervision – a combination that evangelical students desperately need from their supervisors.

Book Insights from Kevin Lawson

The International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) works to support the development of effective theological institutions around the world, particularly in the majority world context. One of the challenges these schools can face is that when they send some of their best scholars to study in western doctoral programs, many of them do not return to their home countries. To fight this “brain drain,” more seminaries are starting doctoral programs to raise up researchers, writers, and faculty to serve the church in their own context. ICETE has a Doctoral Initiative Steering Committee (DISC) that has been developing resources, benchmarks, and statements of best practices to support the development of doctoral programs to meet the needs of seminaries and the church around the world. This book, which is the basis for two online courses offered by ICETE Academy, provides training for faculty who are taking on responsibilities for supervising doctoral students in their dissertation research. This supervisory role is critical to the support of students and helping them reach high standards in their research. Ian Shaw is the principal author of the text, and we have been using it in training programs with seminary faculty in India, Jordan, Guatemala, Africa, and even here at Biola. We want to multiply and equip well those who can guide the next generation of scholars to serve the church in seminary education and research and writing in theology, biblical studies, and practical theology.

Editorial Review

I consider this handbook to be quite outstanding . . . I greatly appreciate the emphasis Ian Shaw places on spiritual formation and pastoral care. He faces up to evangelical challenges and offers solid and creative suggestions. The case studies and the questions are excellent. I commend this enthusiastically.
Ian Randall Senior Research Fellow, International Baptist Theological Study Centre, Amsterdam

I am delighted to see this text! It will be very, very helpful right across the Majority World and also useful for many supervisors in the West. I kept thinking back to my own time as a PhD student in Cambridge and how different things were then! . . . The integration of the evangelical, spiritual, pastoral, and ethical dimensions in with the academic, practical and technical ones, works very well. This is a good “Christian” read, as well as a good “academic” handbook.
Christopher J. H. Wright International Ministry Director, Langham Partnership

Everything you need to know about doctoral supervision is in this handbook! It is both scholarly and practical, with emphasis on the holistic formation of evangelical scholars. This comprehensive guide is a valuable gift to global theological education.
Theresa Roco Lua, Secretary of Accreditation and Educational Development, Asia – Theological Association Dean, Asia Graduate School of Theology, Philippines

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