
Finish the Mission: Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached and Unengaged

This is no ordinary missions book. The theme isn’t new, but the approach is refreshing and compelling, as contributors David Platt, Louie Giglio, Michael Ramsden, Ed Stetzer, Michael Oh, David Mathis, and John Piper take up the mantle of the Great Commission and its Spirit-powered completion. From astronomy to exegesis, from apologetics to the Global South, from being missional at home to employing our resources in the global cause, Finish the Mission aims to breathe fresh missionary fire into a new generation, as together we seek to reach the unreached and engage the unengaged.

Paperback, eBook 192 Crossway 2012 , ,

Meet The Author

This is no ordinary missions book. The theme isn’t new, but the approach is refreshing and compelling, as contributors David Platt, Louie Giglio, Michael Ramsden, Ed Stetzer, Michael Oh, David Mathis, and John Piper take up the mantle of the Great Commission and its Spirit-powered completion.

From astronomy to exegesis, from apologetics to the Global South, from being missional at home to employing our resources in the global cause, Finish the Mission aims to breathe fresh missionary fire into a new generation, as together we seek to reach the unreached and engage the unengaged.

Editorial Reviews

Finish the Mission issues a clarion reminder of God’s enduring passion to glorify himself by blessing all nations on earth. The gospel and mission are inseparable. A clear understanding of the mission of the church is absolutely essential in today’s fast-changing global environment.
Steve Richardson, President, Pioneers-USA

What will it take to finish the mission? Gospel seed must fall into the ground and die. Lord Jesus, through these heart-exposing pages, would you thrust out thousands of risk-taking disciples to the ends of the earth? May this compelling admonition jolt the church out of complacency and into the gathering of your sheep from among the earth’s peoples.
David Sitton, President, To Every Tribe; author, Reckless Abandon and To Every Tribe with Jesus

God defines marriage and God defines mission. Finish the Mission is a vital proclamation of an emphasis that even evangelicals dodge―mostly out of embarrassment. Putting God’s opinions above all others, the authors portray well God’s rescue operation to the peoples who still have no friend to help them comprehend the Easter story. As John Piper says, ’We’re concerned for all suffering, but especially eternal suffering.’ Serious disciples will take these declarations seriously.
Greg Livingstone, Founder, Frontiers; Coordinator, Ministries to Muslims, Evangelical Presbyterian Church