Leon Harris

Leon Harris is a Southern California native, from South Central Los Angeles. He graduated from Biola University (B.S. in Org. Leadership); and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div. and Th.M.); and from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland with a PhD in Divinity (Systematic Theology). Most recently, his dissertation has been published and he has contributed chapters in two recent publications. As of 2020, he joined the office of Diversity and Inclusion at Biola as the Director of Faculty Diversity Initiatives. Harris enjoys increasing student’s understanding of their relationship to our Triune God while teaching undergraduate theology classes. Also, Dr. Harris is honored to serve in Biola’s First Generation program, where as an instructor, mentor, and facilitator, he participates in making the transition to college life easier for First Gen students.

Affiliation Faculty
Position Assistant Professor of Theology

Author's books

The Gospel of John – DVD Bible Study

Jesus has called you. Called you to be different. Called you to love. Called you to restore. Equip your small group to answer the call of God on their life with this incredible 12-session DVD. The Gospel of John: Finding Identity and Purpose DVD Bible Study covers 12 passages from the book of John that will deepen your understanding of identity, calling, and God’s purpose for you. Packed with leader tips, discussion questions, practical applications, and prayer points, this DVD study can be led by anyone! Sessions are taught by 6 professors with specialized areas of knowledge.

The Holy Spirit as Communion

In The Holy Spirit as Communion, Leon Harris examines the pneumatologies of Colin Gunton and Frank Macchia. For both theologians, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is foundational to understanding their doctrine of God, Christology, and ecclesiology. Drawing on the theme of communion, The Holy Spirit as Communion expresses the concept that the Holy Spirit is the person who perfects the divine nature and personhood of the Father and Son. It is the Holy Spirit who perfects the eternal communion within the divine Trinity, which is the source of the divine action that also perfects the communion in creation as an expression of the Father’s will through Jesus Christ.