David Talley

With varied ministry experiences, including student development, counseling, pastoring and teaching psychology and Old Testament studies, David Talley brings a blend of scholarship and practical application to his classroom instruction. Talley enjoys research in the areas of Old Testament theological themes, local church ministry, and contemporary theological issues. His dissertation research on the judgment of pain in Genesis 3 continues to be a focus in his research as he formulates a perspective on Godly living in a difficult world. Talley is passionate about understanding and teaching the truths of God's Word, discipling and equipping others, and "passing on the faith" to the next generation. In 2013, he completed a survey book on the Old Testament, which blends the information of the biblical text with the transformation of the heart. His research has also been published in The New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis, Eikon (formerly the Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood) and the Christian Research Journal. Talley has traveled to over 20 countries in order to partner with the international church in leadership training, especially with a focus on pastors and equipping the church to impact Muslim nations with the gospel. He is Vice-President of an organization, which provides training for underground church leaders in persecuted countries, and he serves on several mission boards.

Affiliation Faculty
Position Professor Emeritus of Old Testament

Author's books

The Story of the Old Testament

David Talley believes that following THE STORY of the Old Testament is the key to understanding it. To trace the clear, continuous narrative is to draw the lines between the dots, soon the whole picture emerges. In this book, Talley examines the eleven storyline books of the Old Testament and shows where the other 28 books fit into THE STORY. Unpacking the theology of each storyline book he reflects on the Old Testament’s power for Christians today.