Parents Rising: 8 Strategies for Raising Kids Who Love God, Respect Authority, and Value What’s Right

Parents Rising provides real help for the real problems that parents face. In today’s world Christian parents are raising children in a culture that is not Christian-friendly and it can sometimes seem like a losing battle. In this book for parents and caretakers of teenage children or younger, Arlene Pellicane gives you eight strategies for raising kids who love God, respect authority, and value what’s right.

Paperback, eBook 192 Moody Publishers 2018

Meet The Author

Do you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle? Against the culture, against the busyness, sometimes even against your spouse and kids…Often it seems like everything is against you as a parent, and your everyday life can feel far from joy-filled. But it doesn’t need to be that way. Parents Rising provides real help for the real problems that parents face. In today’s world Christian parents are raising children in a culture that is not Christian-friendly and it can sometimes seem like a losing battle. In this book for parents and caretakers of teenage children or younger, Arlene Pellicane gives you eight strategies for raising kids who love God, respect authority, and value what’s right.

Strategy #1 – Amusement is not the highest priority
Strategy #2 – Parents Call the Shots
Strategy #3 – Routine and Boundaries Provide Security
Strategy #4 – The Bible and Prayer are Present Daily
Strategy #5 – Marriage Takes a Front Seat
Strategy #6 – Good Food Served on the Table
Strategy #7 – Love is Spelled T-I-M-E
Strategy #8 – Launching Adults, Not Babying Children

This book is about growth not guilt. It’s not a pep talk, or a “try harder” speech. This is real help for real problems that every parent faces. It’s a way to focus your efforts so that they’ll be more effective and you’ll be less exhausted.