Ephesians: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

Designed for pastors, students, and Bible teachers, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament examines the biblical text in its original context. Written by scholars who carefully attend to and build their interpretation on grammatical detail, literary context, rhetorical flow, theological nuance, and historical setting in their interpretation, the ZECNT series is ideal for the task of exegesis and constructing expository sermons. Analysis of the text is also aided by graphic representations of discourse analysis and an exegetical outline.

Hardcover, eBook 538 Zondervan 2010 ,

Meet The Author

Designed for pastors, students, and Bible teachers, the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament examines the biblical text in its original context. Written by scholars who carefully attend to and build their interpretation on grammatical detail, literary context, rhetorical flow, theological nuance, and historical setting in their interpretation, the ZECNT series is ideal for the task of exegesis and constructing expository sermons. Analysis of the text is also aided by graphic representations of discourse analysis and an exegetical outline.

Critical scholarship informs each step, but does not dominate the commentary and is only used as a tool to draw out meaning from the text. This allows readers to concentrate on the message of the biblical text as it unfolds. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Greek (one full year at least), all who strive to understand and teach the New Testament will find this series beneficial.

The following focused sections help readers understand the text:

  • Literary Context: Explains how each passage functions within the book
  • Main Idea: Summarizes the central message of the passage
  • Translation in Graphic Layout: Presents a translation through a diagram that helps readers visualize the flow of thought within the text
  • Exegetical Outline: Gives the overall structure of the passage
  • Explanation of the Text: Provides interpretive insights into the background and meaning of the text
  • Theology in Application: Discusses how the message of the text fits within the book itself and in a broader biblical-theological context, suggesting applications for the church today.

Book Insights from Clinton Arnold

Ephesians is truly an amazing and wonderful letter.  Its few pages cover an extraordinary range of topics—from God’s sovereignty, to his design and plan for the church, what it means to be in a relationship with Christ, the gifts of the Spirit, spiritual warfare and much more.  I have had a long term interest in Ephesians beginning with my doctoral study in Scotland in the 80s, teaching through the letter many times, preaching on many of the passages, and leading a number of tours through the streets of the ancient city of Ephesus.  The goal of this commentary is to bring the teaching of Ephesians to life and make it understandable and accessible.  In this commentary, you will see how Paul makes the Gospel relevant to people who have come to Christ from a background of magical practices and worship in the cult of Artemis and a multitude of other gods.  You will benefit from insights drawn from the original Greek text without having to know Greek.  And you will get many applicational insights for your life and the church today.

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