The Prayers of Jesus – DVD Bible Study

Prayer was the backbone of Jesus’ life and ministry. From his baptism to his crucifixion, the Gospels portray Jesus as a man of prayer who knew and deeply valued intimate communion with his heavenly Father. What can we learn from the prayers he prayed? In six 25-35 minute interactive small group sessions, this Deeper Connections DVD study explores the prayers of Jesus, revealing new insights into prayer, the character of God, and your relationship with him.

DVD Rose Publishing 2019

Meet The Author

Prayer was the backbone of Jesus’ life and ministry. From his baptism to his crucifixion, the Gospels portray Jesus as a man of prayer who knew and deeply valued intimate communion with his heavenly Father. What can we learn from the prayers he prayed? In six 25-35 minute interactive small group sessions, this Deeper Connections DVD study explores the prayers of Jesus, revealing new insights into prayer, the character of God, and your relationship with him. Sessions include:
  1. Watch and Pray: Jesus’ Model Prayer Life
  2. Our God Listens: The Persistent Widow
  3. Joining in Jesus’ Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer
  4. Praying to a Good God: The Friend at Midnight
  5. Praying with Purpose: Jesus’ Final Prayer
  6. A Friend in High Places: Faith, Prayer, and Answers
Note: The DVD includes a FREE downloadable Leader Guide. Instructors:
  1. Dr. Gary Burge, Wheaton College
  2. Dr. David Garland, Truett Theological Seminary
  3. Dr. Mark Strauss, Bethel Seminary
  4. Dr. Michael Wilkins, Talbot School of Theology
  5. Dr. Matt Williams, Biola University
  6. Dr. Ben Witherington III, Asbury
Each Session of The Prayers of Jesus DVD Study Includes:
  • 25-35 minute teaching sessions with optional audio reading and a flexible structure design to facilitate group discussions.
  • A video introduction from Israel, showing key places Jesus walk and relevant locations of well-known Bible passages. Enjoy seeing: Nazareth, the Holy Temple, the Road to Bethany, and much more!
  • Easy-to-understand commentary from top professors and experts from Biola, Wheaton, Talbot, and more!
  • Incredible historical insights that will deepen your understanding of these familiar stories.
  • Practical Applications. Accurate, encouraging, and challenging applications of the Bible’s message to life today.
Great for Individual or Small Group Bible Studies Anyone can lead this ready-to-use 6-session DVD Bible study! Key features include:
  • 6 teaching sessions on DVD (with natural breaks for Scripture reading and discussion)
  • Free downloadable leader guide (with step-by-step suggestions to get the most out of this study including a materials list, session outlines, time frame for 60- and 75-minute session options with extensions, leading tips, and more!
  • Audio readings of key Bible verses
It’s never been easier to lead! Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, or personal use.

Overview of Video Sessions

Session 1: Watch and Pray: Jesus’ Model Prayer Life How do we get a life of prayer like Jesus? Follow host Jarrett Stevens into the wilderness just outside of Jerusalem and paint a picture of where Jesus may have gone to meet with God. From the healing of the boy with the demon to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, Dr. David Garland digs deeply into Bible passages involving prayer, calling, and healing. What can we learn from the failures of the disciples and Jesus’ strategies to “wrestle in prayer”? Discover why it’s so important to learn a habit of constant prayer, whether we’re in a peaceful season or a turbulent one. Session 2: Our God Listens: The Persistent Widow Explore the Holy Temple in Jerusalem: the massive walls, columns, irregular steps, and imposing architecture. Unpack the story of the persistent widow with Dr. Mark Strauss and learn and how we can apply habits of regular, constant prayer to our lives. How can we strike the balance between fearing God and persisting in prayer? We can be “squeaky wheels” when it comes to prayer, but what is the key lesson and ultimate plan that God teaches us through our time in prayer? Session 3: Joining in Jesus’ Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer Walk through the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem and encounter the Wailing Wall or the Western Wall of the former Temple of Jerusalem from 20 BC. Did you know that the Lord’s Prayer is a modified version of a Jewish Kaddish prayer? How does the way we pray compare with how Jesus prayed? Dr. Michael Wilkins, Biola University, walks us through the Lord’s Prayer, unpacking the structure, meaning, language, and cultural relevance. Refresh your understanding of this timeless prayer and apply these incredible historical and profound insights to your life. Session 4: Praying to a Good God: The Friend at Midnight Visit Nazareth Village, a historical recreation of the ancient town of Nazareth, and get an idea of what an ancient Jewish home looked like in Jesus’ day. Join Dr. Ben Witherington III along the trail of the Boston marathon and unpack Jesus’ teaching on prayer in Luke 11. Is God really listening? Do we need to “convince” God to answer our prayers? Why does Luke encourage believers to think and pray big? Learn to apply Jesus’ 4 theological views of prayer to your life and how to ask, seek, and knock. Session 5: Praying with Purpose: Jesus’ Final Prayer Venture through the historic, but abandoned church of St. Anne in Israel and discover what it takes for a church to succeed and grow. Join Dr. Gary Burge for a lesson on Jesus’ prayer for unity in an empty church in Chicago and explore John 17, Jesus’ final instructions to his followers. Why was Jesus’ final prayer so important and what was his “hidden anxiety” for future believers? Finally, learn how you and those you lead can practically apply Jesus’ final words and live out God’s greatest commandment for us to love one another. Session 6: A Friend in High Places: Faith, Prayer, and Answers Travel along the road to Bethany, where Lazarus was raised from the dead, and see a Jewish home much like the one where the Last Supper might have been held. Visit the California Mission San Diego De Alcala with Dr. Matt Williams and learn about the Franciscan dedication to prayer, unanswered prayer, and God’s work in our lives. What does it mean when Jesus says the Father will give us whatever we ask for in his name? Does God owe us an answer every time we pray? Discover the historical context of praying in the name of a spirit or demon and learn how to practically pray for God’s will above all else.
Product Type

Video, Study