Grandparenting Screen Kids: How to Help, What to Say and Where to Begin

Grandparenting Screen Kids is a grandparent’s guide to start bridging this gap. Relationship expert Gary Chapman along with coauthor Arlene Pellicane will help you understand this different (and often troubling) world of iPads, YouTube and video games. They will offer activities to keep your grandkids occupied without screens and assist you in navigating differences with your adult children.

Paperback, eBook 96 Moody Publishers 2020

Meet The Author

Grandparenting in the Digital Age. Things aren’t what they once were. As younger generations become increasingly immersed in the endless presence of tech, older generations struggle finding common ground to relate. The gap between grandparent and grandchild may feel wider than ever.

Grandparenting Screen Kids is a grandparent’s guide to start bridging this gap. Relationship expert Gary Chapman along with coauthor Arlene Pellicane will help you understand this different (and often troubling) world of iPads, YouTube, and video games. They will offer activities to keep your grandkids occupied without screens and assist you in navigating differences with your adult children.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, under-informed, and physically unable to meet the demands of active grandkids. That’s why this companion guide to the book Screen Kids has been written to connect you to information and encouragement. Technology isn’t going anywhere and your grandkids need you more than ever to guide them in ways that computers can’t.