
Feeding the Soul of the Bible Study Leader: 52 Devotionals

This collection of 52 devotionals is for all who lead Bible study groups, whatever settings you are in, to encourage your own spiritual growth as you study the Scripture and lead your groups. This book grows out of nearly 50 years experience leading various kinds of Bible study groups and over 30 years of equipping others to teach the Bible in ways that promote spiritual growth and transformation. God wants to be our teacher, and I know from experience this can be difficult at times. These devotionals remind us of how God wants to work in our lives first so that we can encourage others on the same path of growth. Let God nurture your soul even as you seek to lead others in studying the Bible.

Paperback, eBook 170 Kindle Direct Publishing 2023 ,

Meet The Author

This collection of 52 devotionals is for all who lead Bible study groups, whatever settings you are in, to encourage your own spiritual growth as you study the Scripture and lead your groups. We can be so busy “feeding” others that we neglect our own souls in the process. God desires more for us. God wants to nurture your soul, encourage your heart, and strengthen you for the ministry you lead. I invite you to join me in reading and reflecting on key Scripture passages about how to lead others in studying the Bible together in ways that help us all grow spiritually.

This book grows out of nearly 50 years experience leading various kinds of Bible study groups and over 30 years of equipping others to teach the Bible in ways that promote spiritual growth and transformation. God wants to be our teacher, and I know from experience this can be difficult at times. These devotionals remind us of how God wants to work in our lives first so that we can encourage others on the same path of growth. Let God nurture your soul even as you seek to lead others in studying the Bible.

Book Insights from Kevin Lawson

For many years I led Bible studies in church settings and have reflected on how important the spiritual life and growth of ministry leaders is for their ministry effectiveness. In this book I share some of the most critical portions of Scripture that might teach, challenge, and encourage Bible study leaders to grow as they serve. My hope is that through these devotionals, Bible study leaders will find that their own walk with Christ is strengthened even as they seek to encourage others to do the same. The book is currently available through Amazon in English and in Spanish, with a Portuguese translation in the works. The devotionals are also available free on a website (www.biblestudyleader.com) where people can sign up to receive links to devotionals through weekly emails. The book has been adopted for staff training by Community Bible Studies, a ministry active in Latin America, and my hope is to share these devotionals with a wide audience who can benefit from them, strengthening the church in its ministry of Bible teaching.

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